Earth Biggest Collection


This blog goes about something i really like to do which is taking pictures. I'm not a pro photographer and i don't have a sophisticated camera i'm just using my smartphone to freeze motions.

They are really simple pic's but when I take them i feel something very nice in me, that's why i want to share my simple vision with you.

I hope you enjoy and leave positive comments and visit my blog more often.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Baby Chicken

Somebody brought a newborn chicken i guess he is like 2 weeks old or less. Usually he walks with the mother chicken. She got like 13 baby's.
Any ways yesterday when i got the Little One (L.O), it was like a bit wet which i can't understand, i looked for something warm to put him/her in. But i saw already that's something was going wrong i felt like the L.O was a little bit weak. I gave the L.O some corn meal he still makes baby chicken noises and very loud.

But today he was a little bit weaker. I started to search online what i can do to help the L.O
i read that maybe the food got stuck and that i could try with a mix of sugar and salt dissolved in water and he has to consume it every 20 min. I'm trying that out and i will let you now if it works or not.

Stay Tuned
To Be continued......

Follow up .....

I kept looking after the L.O give him some water but it seems like he's taking it but because the breeding difficulty it wasn't so easy to swallow. I had put him where he can get some sunbeam to keep him warm.
but all that was in vain after every 15 to 20 min i checked him out and less then a hour he past away.

I'm not a veterinary but i do love animals.

You won't believe it i got a puppy just a few hours later he is cute in my eyes. So little but with a big head
he is a west pointer but i don't care because love for animals has no discrimination included.

This time i went to a friends house and i saw him all wet. The first owner said i just bathe him. I spread my eyes and said :" No you can't do that he's to small and on top of that you even didn't put him in the sun to dry."

I took the puppy in my hand and i said i guess i'm going home with him.
He said are you sure? Of course i do and i brought him home.
Animals brings happiness to your life !! And a dog ....... he is a men's best friend !!

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