Earth Biggest Collection


This blog goes about something i really like to do which is taking pictures. I'm not a pro photographer and i don't have a sophisticated camera i'm just using my smartphone to freeze motions.

They are really simple pic's but when I take them i feel something very nice in me, that's why i want to share my simple vision with you.

I hope you enjoy and leave positive comments and visit my blog more often.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

What is really art is it something perfect ?

I guess, you can say that it's a difficult question because everybody has their own opinion about every piece of art. For example a simple circle painting is art for some it's a circle and that's it. The one that did draw that simple circle can say that it's meaning full that it represents a crowd a lot of people standing together. Well nobody can proof him wrong it's his vision against your opinion even you see that his version has "no sense"

I can draw a little bit and i use to take color books and try to draw what i see. And every time i say to my self it's not good fix it i tried over and over again, and  i wanted that everything in perfect balance.

Not much ago as usual fighting myself and I about getting perfect lines so people can enjoy nice clean drawings something told me like come on stop !!  Everybody can draw paint and create art it is always perfect art sometimes make no sense.

And now i'm more relaxed when i paint and or create something. It don't really has to look perfect or recognizable piece. Art is expressing your self or get the inspiration out so people can enjoy it.

And, ....... what is art to you ?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Another Tattoo Day

A friend of mine came for vacation and he knows how to tattoo. As usual many people love to get one symbolic one like i said in a previous post. I got the privilege to draw like 5 simple name and design, a name.

And the last one has jet to be sketched. I really feels nice and awesome when people approve your drawing/sketches to go on their body and for life.

When they are done tattooing i will put the sketches and the final product.
I Really wish to get more of these kind of jobs.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


A lot of jump in's and carnival parade. In Carnival parade you will see people's talent and visions by creating piece of art and a lot of sewing. Each group has an average of 25-50 people may be more can you imagine how much work has to be done to get all clothes done. A lot of preparation for the carnival lovers and for us that stands a site and enjoy and wonder all that beauty and when it's dark they turn on their light omg that's another way to amaze you.

I will take some pics of these years carnival and i'll load for you to enjoy !!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Baby Chicken

Somebody brought a newborn chicken i guess he is like 2 weeks old or less. Usually he walks with the mother chicken. She got like 13 baby's.
Any ways yesterday when i got the Little One (L.O), it was like a bit wet which i can't understand, i looked for something warm to put him/her in. But i saw already that's something was going wrong i felt like the L.O was a little bit weak. I gave the L.O some corn meal he still makes baby chicken noises and very loud.

But today he was a little bit weaker. I started to search online what i can do to help the L.O
i read that maybe the food got stuck and that i could try with a mix of sugar and salt dissolved in water and he has to consume it every 20 min. I'm trying that out and i will let you now if it works or not.

Stay Tuned
To Be continued......

Follow up .....

I kept looking after the L.O give him some water but it seems like he's taking it but because the breeding difficulty it wasn't so easy to swallow. I had put him where he can get some sunbeam to keep him warm.
but all that was in vain after every 15 to 20 min i checked him out and less then a hour he past away.

I'm not a veterinary but i do love animals.

You won't believe it i got a puppy just a few hours later he is cute in my eyes. So little but with a big head
he is a west pointer but i don't care because love for animals has no discrimination included.

This time i went to a friends house and i saw him all wet. The first owner said i just bathe him. I spread my eyes and said :" No you can't do that he's to small and on top of that you even didn't put him in the sun to dry."

I took the puppy in my hand and i said i guess i'm going home with him.
He said are you sure? Of course i do and i brought him home.
Animals brings happiness to your life !! And a dog ....... he is a men's best friend !!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Frying Shrimp

It was so funny the first time a did shrimps. I took a pan with some butter and garlic salt and i brought it on the stove. They got a orange pinkish color. I ran to my mother and ask her what happened are these shrimps old or rotten ? She answered me no ..... lol .... that the way it suppose to be. when you fried them they do get another color.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

My paintings i did them by myself i saw a picture and i tried to paint them. 

I have paint also on mugs,
just playing around, with paintings

Hair cuts & Styles

When it's Carnival most guys like to change their hair color into that "Blond" one and ask the barber also to put some designs


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

You can enjoy every day of a clear and sunny weather.
Be sure to have your sunblock to protect your skin of the ultra violet radiations !!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Just playing around creating logo's 
my first intend


Tattoo Sketch

A friend of mine wanted a "tattoo" she always asked my to draw one. I always answer wait remember once you do it you won't be able to wipe it easily from your skin.

Tattoo Final Product

Finally I came up with a simple drawing which she
liked and as you can see it's inked already,
on the same day i sketched it.
It seems a little bit different final touch of the tattoo artist.

Monday, February 10, 2014

This is how the immigrants make their day by selling art work. Everything made by hand.

It's nice for the tourist to pass by and buy souvenirs in the middle of the city, and enjoy the open air show case.

Having a Trio-Band or entertainment one is
a simple way of income, playing at hotels or cafe's.
One thing you have to do your best to keep up and get hired !!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Do you want to earn some extra income join us at SurveySavvy
SurveySavvy | Intelligence Adds Up
Create your account it's easy SurveySavvy begin NOW!!

Flamingo Birds

These birds when they are young their color is grey-ish and while they are growing up their color changes from light pink to bright red.
The bacteria and beta carotene in the food they consume is the reason of the pink - red color. A well balanced fed flamingo has a more vibrant color,

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


How you can get all the benefits of the paleo diet
We're talking about utilizing the paleo diet to have the vigor of a primal warrior. Turn into a health superstar. Achieve your perfect weight while consuming sustenances you cherish. Furthermore have a well-oiled immune system that never stops.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Standing on a balcony i did capture this short video
of  cruise ship navigating with a  beautiful sunset as background

Sunday, February 2, 2014

This is called "landhuis" long time ago in the slavery era the owner of the landhuis was called SHON. He was the owner of all the slaves that worked for him on his farm (plantage)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Buy a phone that matches your sneaker Nokia - Nike

It's so funny to match your sneaker with your phone, it takes people's attention "oh my God your phone color is the same one as the symbol on your sneaker. Wow very cool !!"

Thanks for noticing, lol

Feeling comfortable
while working no shoes
just simple "fashioned" flip flops. Having it his way

                                                                     BIG foot vs a child's foot print

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

                                                                  CUTE ANIMALS


This one was brought to me he makes me laugh every day

Such a Sweet Little Kitty

Kitty's Photo "I miss you"

Animals are soooo cute

                        Pigeon and shadow  


Like this pic. is taken from Otrabanda (which means the other side)
what you see at your left  is Punda (Willemstad, CuraƧao)

These are little chickens i got them in my yard at that moment they where just egg's.  I took them and place them under a special lamp till they came out as you can see they are like teenage chickens.

Now they come everyday to get their food and goes around exploring.

A beautiful view and an iron dinosaur in the background.  Even so the ocean makes you feel relax. You can sit hour after hours watching and feeling the nice breeze.

This is a Cruise Ship, the pic was taken with a simple smartphone. There isn't any effect on it even if it seems like but it's just the reflection of a lamppost, that creates the purple effect.

Rustic Car very old model but beautiful and for some it does bring some old memory's.

Just another one which you would be staring for hours. Just imagine yourself with a sunny weather and such a nice view, you will find your self swimming with the fishes.