Earth Biggest Collection


This blog goes about something i really like to do which is taking pictures. I'm not a pro photographer and i don't have a sophisticated camera i'm just using my smartphone to freeze motions.

They are really simple pic's but when I take them i feel something very nice in me, that's why i want to share my simple vision with you.

I hope you enjoy and leave positive comments and visit my blog more often.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Another Tattoo Day

A friend of mine came for vacation and he knows how to tattoo. As usual many people love to get one symbolic one like i said in a previous post. I got the privilege to draw like 5 simple name and design, a name.

And the last one has jet to be sketched. I really feels nice and awesome when people approve your drawing/sketches to go on their body and for life.

When they are done tattooing i will put the sketches and the final product.
I Really wish to get more of these kind of jobs.

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