Earth Biggest Collection


This blog goes about something i really like to do which is taking pictures. I'm not a pro photographer and i don't have a sophisticated camera i'm just using my smartphone to freeze motions.

They are really simple pic's but when I take them i feel something very nice in me, that's why i want to share my simple vision with you.

I hope you enjoy and leave positive comments and visit my blog more often.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

What is really art is it something perfect ?

I guess, you can say that it's a difficult question because everybody has their own opinion about every piece of art. For example a simple circle painting is art for some it's a circle and that's it. The one that did draw that simple circle can say that it's meaning full that it represents a crowd a lot of people standing together. Well nobody can proof him wrong it's his vision against your opinion even you see that his version has "no sense"

I can draw a little bit and i use to take color books and try to draw what i see. And every time i say to my self it's not good fix it i tried over and over again, and  i wanted that everything in perfect balance.

Not much ago as usual fighting myself and I about getting perfect lines so people can enjoy nice clean drawings something told me like come on stop !!  Everybody can draw paint and create art it is always perfect art sometimes make no sense.

And now i'm more relaxed when i paint and or create something. It don't really has to look perfect or recognizable piece. Art is expressing your self or get the inspiration out so people can enjoy it.

And, ....... what is art to you ?

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