Earth Biggest Collection


This blog goes about something i really like to do which is taking pictures. I'm not a pro photographer and i don't have a sophisticated camera i'm just using my smartphone to freeze motions.

They are really simple pic's but when I take them i feel something very nice in me, that's why i want to share my simple vision with you.

I hope you enjoy and leave positive comments and visit my blog more often.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Frying Shrimp

It was so funny the first time a did shrimps. I took a pan with some butter and garlic salt and i brought it on the stove. They got a orange pinkish color. I ran to my mother and ask her what happened are these shrimps old or rotten ? She answered me no ..... lol .... that the way it suppose to be. when you fried them they do get another color.

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